Do rabbits eat lobelia flowers?

Posted by Trudie Dory on Thursday, May 30, 2024


A wide genus of perennials, aquatics, shrubs, and annual plants belonging to the genus Lobelia, many of which have a natural resistance to rabbits, including the cardinal flower. Some kinds of rabbit-resistant cardinal flowers, such as Lobelia cardinalis, are tolerant of excessively damp, soggy soils and may thrive in poorly drained regions where other annuals are unable to thrive.

Also, what annual flowers are safe for Rabbits to consume is a good issue.

13 Annuals That Are Rabbit-Resistant

Lantana. Lantana is a sun-loving plant that produces flower clusters that resemble brilliantly coloured confetti.

Alyssum is a lovely flower. Lobularia maritima blooms in the spring with clusters of small white, lavender, violet, or pink flowers, depending on the variety.


Marigold in a pot.


Begonia in wax.



It is also possible to inquire if rabbits consume Stock flowers.

 However, rabbits, like the majority of animals, will consume almost anything if they are sufficiently hungry. Bunnies enjoy young, sensitive shoots and are fond of flowers such as marigolds, pansies, and petunias, to name a few favourites. Your garden, on the other hand, has a chance!

Aside from that, what flowers do rabbits consume?

Especially popular with rabbits are young, fragile shoots, such as lettuce, beans, and broccoli, which they enjoy in large quantities. Gazanias, marigolds, pansies, and petunias are among the flowers that they like nibbling on.

What plants do rabbits find objectionable?

Lavender, penstemon, artemesia, hyssop, sages, shasta daisy, gaillardia, common butterfly bush, blue mist spirea, and columbine are among the plants that rabbits avoid.

There were 38 related questions and answers found.

Is it true that coffee grounds deter rabbits?

Using these repellents, you can keep them at bay. Repels All is a product that is available. The odour keeps rabbits away and is effective against other creatures as well. Additionally, you may scatter discarded coffee grounds, egg shells, and banana peels throughout your yard, and it seems to be effective for some people. Using freshly powdered black pepper may be effective, and it can also keep ants away.

What flowers would rabbits avoid at all costs?

Agave, for example, is a perennial with thick, thorny leaves and a strong odour that rabbits are likely to avoid. Euphorbia. Poker is blazing hot right now. a person with black eyes Susan. Pincushion flower is a kind of flower. Oriental poppy is a kind of poppy. Strawflower. Cranesbill.

What methods do you use to discourage rabbits from devouring your crops?

The most effective protection against rabbits is a 3-foot-tall chicken-wire fence (1-inch mesh or smaller), with an additional 6-inch layer of chicken-wire buried in the soil behind it. Alternatively, odour repellents such as blood meal or powdered fox urine may be used (available at your local garden center). These are often need to be reapplied on a regular basis.

Do rabbits have a preference towards lavender?

Rabbits are able to consume lavender [1][21]. It is one of the safest and most fragrant bushes you may offer to your companion. It is non-toxic and non-hazardous. Dill, parsley, oregano, basil, peppermint, and lemon balm, to name a few, are also considered to be “safe” herbs, as is parsley.

What perennials are resistant to rabbit damage?

15 Perennials that are resistant to rabbits (Photos) Yucca. It is a jagged plant that may look lovely in any garden, but because of its spiky leaves, it is a good deterrent for rabbits as well. Stachys. Also called as lamb’s ears, this mint plant can keep rabbits away if you grow it in a protected area. Lungwort. Salvia perennialis is a perennial flowering plant. Lavender with Nepeta (Catnip). Red Hot Poker is a game of skill and chance. Iris.

Do marigolds have a repellent effect on rabbits?

In actuality, according to horticulture specialists at Iowa State University and Texas A&M University, marigolds do not deter rabbits, deer, or any other animals from gardens or flower beds. Rabbits are known to consume marigolds, whilst deer are known to just ignore them.

Is it true that rabbits like impatiens?

Although impatiens are regarded for being rabbit-resistant plants, rabbits are known to sometimes nibble the delicate petals and leaves of the flowers. The majority of sprays are sprayed directly to the plant’s leaves and blooms, but be sure to read the label for specific application instructions. Sprinkle dried blood around the impatiens to make them seem more alive.

Is vinegar effective in keeping rabbits away?

Rabbit Repellents are substances that keep rabbits away. Home gardeners sometimes propose vinegar or hot chilli pepper sprays as unpleasant items that will deter rabbits and other pests from entering their gardens. Alternatively, try soaking old corncobs in vinegar for a few minutes and scattering them about the perimeter of the garden. After a few weeks, resoak them in vinegar to refresh the flavour.

Is it possible for rabbits to consume cucumber?

Yes, but only in very tiny quantities. Cucumbers may be a nutritious and entertaining food for your rabbit, but they should not be used in large quantities. Don’t overfeed him since it might create digestive difficulties, which can result in loose faeces (rabbit diarrhoea) and a lack of appetite in the long term. Cucumber is a low-nutrient meal for your rabbit and should be avoided.

Do rabbits have a preference for petunias?

Do rabbits eat petunias or other flowering plants? Petunias (Petunia hybrida) are among the most popular bedding plants for providing colour and soft textures to the landscape in a short amount of time. They are also nearly maintenance-free. However, when rabbits come into the scene, their carefree disposition is put to a stop, as is the case with most flowers.

Is it true that rabbits devour hostas?

Hostas are ornamental, blooming perennials that are often utilised in landscape plantings. Rabbits are particularly attracted to these plants, and they will consume all of the leaves as well as the stems. It is possible that rabbits will consume the plant down to its roots if it is a fresh or immature plant. Rabbits are particularly fond of young hostas and fresh plant development.

What foods are toxic to rabbits and why?

Almonds, cassava roots, mangoes, and millet sprouts all contain trace levels of cyanide, whereas a chemical called ‘Psoralens’, found in parsnips, is toxic to rabbits due to its high concentration of cyanide. Avocado fruit, seeds, leaves, and bark contain a poisonous substance known as ‘Persin,’ which is hazardous to rabbits and may even be lethal to them.

What is the most popular food for rabbits?

Rabbits adore their food and will eat fresh fruits and vegetables as part of a well-balanced diet if given the opportunity. It is recommended that rabbits have access to infinite quantities of fresh hay (ideally Timothy or Meadow Hay), grass, and clean drinking water at all times. For further information, see the section under “What do rabbits eat?”

Do rabbits like the scent of hydrangeas?

While alive, rabbits will naturally gravitate toward their favourite flowering plants throughout the growing season, delving into pansies and tulips in the spring, munching on impatiens, oakleaf hydrangeas, and hybrid lilies in the summer, and revelling in a fall harvest of asters in the months of September and October, among other things.
