Bree Olson talks sex life with Charlie Sheen & other goddess in Playboy

Posted by Valentine Belue on Sunday, June 2, 2024

It looks like all you have to do to go from an escort and adult film actress who does just everyone and everything on camera to the cover of Playboy is to screw a famous guy. Charlie Sheen’s “goddess” #1, Bree Olson, is featured on the August issue. Advance details of her interview have her talking up Charlie Sheen as a lover and claiming she never did anything sexual with the other goddess, Natalie Kenly, who hung around longer than Olson did but eventually ditched Charlie too. (Probably once the money started drying up.)

breeplayboyShe may have broken up with Charlie Sheen in April, but Bree Olson insists she’s “still a goddess. I’m just not Charlie’s goddess.”

How did the 24-year-old Indiana native end up with the troubled actor, who was fired from Two and a Half Men in March? “I suppose it was my movies,” Olson, who has appeared in more than 250 adult films, tells the August issue of Playboy.

When Sheen, 45, first contacted Olson (whom he had never met), the actor invited her over to his house for a meet and greet. After hitting it off, the adult film star — along with Natalie Kenly — soon began cohabiting with Sheen in his Sherman Oaks, Calif. mansion.

“He’s intelligent, he’s charismatic, he’s superfunny,” Olson (real name: Rachel Oberlin) says of the actor. “And he’s good in bed. I mean, he’s had a lot of practice.”

Despite rumors to the contrary, Sheen was “gentle and considerate” in between the sheets, Olson says. “He’s just a rock star. He’s a powerhouse. He’s a very sensual and sexual person, and when I was with him I felt as if we became one together, because he’s just so enticing sexually.”

As for the sex she reportedly had with Kenly? “That was a lie,” Olson now says. “I didn’t really even know her. Okay, all three of us got together, I think, twice. They did their thing together, and Charlie and I did our thing together. And we had two different beds. She and I would go to whichever bed, and he would pick. You know, ‘Where am I sleeping tonight?'”

Currently single and living in Los Angeles, Olson tells Playboy she’s retiring from the adult film industry to focus on becoming a real actress. “I can do this,” she says. “I’m so winning right now.”

[From US Weekly]

Is anyone else skeeved out by the thought of Charlie Sheen making an O face with those gold teeth of his? Bree is being demure and trying to act like she didn’t have sex with the other “goddess,” and it was just straight sex with Charlie. It took me five seconds to google and find a scene where she has sex with famous porn actress Sasha Grey, so it’s not like she’s never screwed another woman. She’s also done just about everything else on camera. Maybe she’s telling the truth though and she only does sex with women for pay. (Strike that, it’s not like Charlie wasn’t paying her.)

Other mistresses of famous guys do sex tapes to make money after they gain a little notoriety, but it’s not like Olson didn’t do that to death already. Now she’s going to be a “legitimate” actress. She did get the cover of Playboy, that’s a start. Maybe Sheen will cast her on that mystery sitcom he keeps leaking to the press that’s about to happen but never materializes. That must have been her motivation to make sex with a bipolar crack-smoking lunatic sound like a harlequin romance novel.


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